0.2 - Design Update
A much needed redesign of the whole site, providing mobile support and making the site easier on the eyes overall, also including some bug fixes to the data collector
- Global Changes
- Changed the colour palette slightly
- Switched the font to Arial
- Slightly reduced font size to accomodate for Arial’s larger size
- Schedule View
- Added a side menu that will be a permanent location for class data
- Now allows the user to scroll both horizontally and vertically when part of the schedule isn’t visible
- The day and hour indicators should stay in place to provide reference when scrolled
- Made a mobile view with the side menu moving to the bottom
- Search
- Changed results to be shown as a smaller tile view
- Classes already in your schedule will no longer have an add button
- Adding a class to your schedule will remove the add button
- Added a mobile view which reduces the search menu(you will be able to re-expand it in the search update)
- Rerouted /class_search to /api/search for consistency
- Data Collector
- Cleaned up log outputs for more readable output
- Added the ability to collect data for multiple terms at once
- Will now get additional schedule information from the class search if not already recorded
- Fixed class data not being collected properly when the class isn’t in the semester section book
- Fixed duplicate course attributes being added when the pdf was processed
- Fixed invalid time values when text is put after the time in the semester section book